Next Gen Personal Finance Makes Teaching Personal Finance Easier
Next Gen Personal Finance Makes Teaching Personal Finance Easier
In celebration of April and Financial Capability Month, the Making Cents Project is showcasing a different financial education program or resource each day of the month. The 22nd in this series is Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF).NextGen Personal Finance offers a wide array of financial education resources - everything from lessons and activities you can put to use in your classroom to interactive simulations to professional development and advocacy tools. Below are just some of Next Gen Personal Finance’s many resources. For an overview of some of the resources mentioned, view the recording of the webinar Next Gen’s CEO Tim Ranzetta did for the Making Cents Project here.
Lesson Plans and Curriculum - NGPF has designed 12 units that feature 65 lessons, 200 activities, over 400 curated videos, and much more! In addition to the individual unit-by-unit resources, there are semester and 8-week courses for high schoolers and new resources for middle school students.
- Number Chugs (NEW!) - Designed for teachers that want to incorporate more math into their personal finance classes and/or math teachers looking to put calculations in a personal finance context, the Number Chugs are a great combination of math and personal finance. A Teacher Support Guide provides an overview and suggestions for using the Number Chugs in the classroom including differentiation tips. Number Chugs and other math resources can be found in NGPF’s Math Resource Directory. Check out these examples:
Online Banking Simulation (NEW!) - For years teachers have been asking for a free simulation that would mimic online banking. NGPF listened and has just launched their own, free Online Banking Simulation. An overview of the simulation and teacher resources to help you put it to use in your classroom can be found here.
- Question of the Day - Looking for an interesting way to engage students in a topic or kickoff a lesson? NGPF’s Question of the Day may be just the resource you are looking for. You can find them by topic or view the entire spreadsheet. In addition to the blog post, there are ready-made slides for each question. Check out these examples:
Payback (NEW!) - With just a limited amount of time (less than an hour including a class discussion), you can hone your students' decision-making skills and hit the key learning objectives for this all-important topic. Payback provides an engaging and interactive opportunity for students to make choices about college and realize the implications. There is even a worksheet students can complete as they go through the simulation.
- Professional Development - NGPF offers various forms of professional development for teachers including webinars, a professional learning communities (PLCs), events, and a summer institute.
- #FinHero - Educators, administrators, school board members, parents, and anyone else with an interest in advocating for personal finance education will find numerous resources in the #FinHero section of the NGPF website. Check out the mini-documentary that highlights the #FinHero initiative.
Disclaimer: Resources included on the Making Cents blog have been reviewed by Pennsylvania educators and deemed worthwhile for classroom or professional use. Inclusion does not indicate endorsement by the Pennsylvania Department of Education or Penn State University.