Pennsylvania Insurance Department Helps Teachers Brings Insurance to Life for Students
Pennsylvania Insurance Department Helps Teachers Brings Insurance to Life for Students
In celebration of April and Financial Capability Month, the Making Cents Project is showcasing a different financial education program or resource each day of the month. The 24th in this series is the Pennsylvania Insurance Department.The Pennsylvania Insurance Department has identified three types of insurance as being top-of-mind for young people: health, auto, and renters. To help young people - and their parents - better understand each topic, check out the following resources:
- Health Insurance: The department has a dedicated page with information for young adults along with resources for all consumers. Check out their How to Buy Health Insurance brochure or How to Shop for Auto Insurance video which is also available in Spanish.
Auto Insurance: In addition to basic information on auto insurance for young people, staff from the department worked closely with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to develop and promote educational materials for teen drivers.
- Insurance 101 for Teen Drivers - This is a 55-minute classroom presentation that helps drivers' education and middle and high school financial literacy teachers show teens how bad driving decisions negatively impact auto insurance costs. Presentation materials include an animated PowerPoint®, an auto insurance terms handout, a worksheet for use during the game, and a combined multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank quiz. Consider watching Dave Buono, Consumer Liaison with the Pennsylvania Insurance Department, discuss the program on a Making Cents webinar or a session at the 2017 Jump$tart National Educator Conference.
WreckCheck App - The National Association of Insurance Commissioners has developed WreckCheck, a free mobile app for iPhone® and Android® smartphones (and a printable PDF). The app outlines what to do immediately following an accident and walks users through a step-by-step process to create their own accident report. The app directs them to capture photos and helps document and share only what is necessary to file an insurance claim. Users can even email their completed reports to themselves and their insurance agents. This tool is great for both new and experienced drivers.
- Teen Driver Contract - Students and their parents can go through this interactive site and complete a teen driver contract which covers topics such as the hours the teens will drive, use of mobile devices while driving, number of passengers allowed in the vehicle, and more.
- Renters Insurance: Insurance needs will vary for students after high school depending on the route they take. For example, most college students who are living in a dorm or on-campus housing may be covered by their parent’s homeowners insurance. However, students living off-campus should double check to see if they have coverage. Tips such as this and others are provided by the department.
Dave Buono, Consumer Liaison with the Pennsylvania Insurance Department, is another great resource for Pennsylvania educators. He’s available to speak to classes on a variety of insurance topics. Or, if you are struggling to make a particular topic interest, he's happy to help. Check out one of his webinars for the Making Cents Project: Insurance 101 for Teachers or reach out to him via email.[embed][/embed]Disclaimer: Resources included on the Making Cents blog have been reviewed by Pennsylvania educators and deemed worthwhile for classroom or professional use. Inclusion does not indicate endorsement by the Pennsylvania Department of Education or Penn State University.